
The music variable can take in either one or two filenames from the audio\music\ folder (as well as its various sub-folders). This variable will dictate the looping background music that will play throughout the area. If one filename is supplied for the variable, it will simply play said music file continuously throughout the area. However, if two music files are given then the first file will be played once as an intro, and the second will be played on loop for the rest of the area. The syntax for these two methods of using music are as follows:

music FILENAME.ogg # single-file
music [FILENAME_INTRO.ogg, FILENAME_LOOP.ogg] # multi-file

Where the all-caps FILENAME variants are various music files.

The music files themselves are of type OGG and the .ogg extension must be added to the name when being referenced. For example:

music 1812_loop #wrong
music [1812_intro, 1812_loop] # wrong

music 1812_loop.ogg #correct
music [1812_intro.ogg, 1812_loop.ogg] # correct

Note that music is not just contained within the root folder and there are other sub-folders that contain music. When accessing retro, and glitch music it is important to include the appropriate directory/folder name so that the game knows where to search for the files. Like so:

music retro\danse_loop.ogg
music glitch\nobm_loop.ogg

The default music intros, loops, etc. are as follows:

  • danse_intro.ogg and danse_loop.ogg - (The End)

  • newworld_intro.ogg and newworld_loop.ogg - (Arid Flats)

  • 1812_intro.ogg and 1812_loop.ogg - (Overflow)

  • hungarian_rhapsody_intro.ogg and hungarian_rhapsody_loop.ogg - (Wall of Sorrow)

  • slave_intro.ogg and slave_loop.ogg - (SS Exodus)

  • dante_intro.ogg and dante_loop.ogg - (The Hollows)

  • hell_intro.ogg and hell_loop.ogg - (Golgotha)

  • fields_intro.ogg and fields_loop.ogg - (Retrograde)

  • bumblebee_intro.ogg and bumblebee_loop.ogg - (The Machine)

  • danse_intro_dark.ogg and danse_loop_dark.ogg - (Anguish)

  • newworld_intro_dark.ogg and newworld_loop_dark.ogg - (Gloom)

  • 1812_intro_dark.ogg and 1812_loop_dark.ogg - (Blight)

  • mountainking_fakeout.ogg and mountainking_loop.ogg - (Ruin)

  • escape.ogg - (Acceptance)

  • requiem_intro.ogg and requiem_loop.ogg - (Nevermore and The Future)

  • hmk_secret_intro.ogg and hmk_secret_loop.ogg - (Downwards Secret)

  • gymnopedies_intro.ogg and gymnopedies_loop.ogg - (Upwards Secret)

  • gynossiennes_intro.ogg and gynossiennes_loop.ogg - (Main Menu)

  • supercart.ogg - (All (Iron) Carts Collected)

  • the_end_is_nigh_vocals.ogg - (Credits Vocals)

  • credits.ogg - (Credits Instrumental)

  • newworld2_intro.ogg and newworld2_loop.ogg - (Unused)

  • gameover.ogg - (Unused)

  • mountainking_intro.ogg - (Unused)

  • retro\danse_intro.ogg and retro\danse_loop.ogg - (Mortaman)

  • retro\newworld_intro.ogg and retro\newworld_loop.ogg - (Blaster Massacre)

  • retro\1812_intro.ogg and retro\1812_loop.ogg - (River City Rancid)

  • retro\hungarian_rhapsody_intro.ogg and retro\hungarian_rhapsody_loop.ogg - (Ash Climber)

  • retro\slave_intro.ogg and retro\slave_Loop.ogg - (Fallen Fantasy)

  • retro\dante_intro.ogg and retro\dante_loop.ogg - (Catastrovania)

  • retro\hell_intro.ogg and retro\hell_Loop.ogg - (Dig Dead)

  • retro\fields_intro.ogg and retro\fields_loop.ogg - (Rubble Bobble)

  • retro\bumblebee_intro.ogg and retro\bumblebee_loop.ogg - (Morbid Gear)

  • retro\beeth5_intro.ogg and retro\beeth5_loop.ogg - (Super Mega Cart All Stars)

  • retro\requiem_intro.ogg and retro\requiem_loop.ogg - (Iron Carts)

  • retro\turkish_intro.ogg and retro\turkish_loop.ogg - (The End is Nigh)

  • retro\gnossiennes_loop.ogg - (Cartridge Menu)

  • retro\gameover.ogg - (Cartrige Game Over)

  • glitch\nobm_intro.ogg and glitch\nobm_loop.ogg - (Scab or Die)

  • glitch\newworld_intro.ogg and glitch\newworld_loop.ogg - (Tombs and Torture)

  • glitch\bumblebee_intro.ogg and glitch\bumblebee_loop.ogg - (Pus-man)

  • glitch\homk_intro.ogg and glitch\homk_loop.ogg - (Ghosts ’N Grieving)

  • glitch\dante_intro.ogg and glitch\dante_loop.ogg - (Dead Racer)

  • glitch\dance_intro.ogg and glitch\dance_loop.ogg - (Spike Tales)

  • glitch\turkish_intro.ogg and glitch\turkish_loop.ogg - (The End is Nigh Corrupted)

If the music variable is left unset then no background music will be played in the area.