Area Type
The area_type
variable controls specific aspects of a tileset/area,
such as how it will handle deaths, etc. If the area type variable is left
undefined, then the area will be of type normal
-- the default value. The
variable accepts the following values, with each one having a unique effect that
will change the way the area acts:
The retro monitor filter will be applied, as will retro sounds, and a cart intro graphic (cart_intro_png) will be displayed when entering the area. Dying will send the player back to the first level in the area; if used in an area that was not reached via the TV/Console, then the player will be spawned in the last non-ironcart room they were in. Using the "Exit Cart" option from the menu will take the player back to 1-1.
The retro monitor filter will be applied, as will retro sounds, and a cart intro graphic (cart_intro_png) will be displayed when entering the area. The player will have a limited number of lives to beat the area. Using the "Exit Cart" option from the menu will take the player back to 1-1.
The retro monitor filter will be applied, as will retro sounds, and a cart intro graphic (cart_intro_png) will be displayed when entering the area. Graphical elements will be reset/randomised on every death. Using the "Exit Cart" option from the menu will take the player back to 1-1.
The standard areas in the game, there are no extra effects or parameters added.
The current tumor count will act as the player’s lives, and losing all lives will respawn the player at the first level in the area.