Art Listing
Section | Description |
General | Generic assets and items. |
Enemies | Hostile enemies. |
Minis | Small critters. |
Decorations | Decorative assets. |
Retro | Retro variants of entities and items. |
NPCs | Interactive NPCs. |
Tilesets | Tile graphics. |
Overlays | Decorations on top of tile graphics. |
Backgrounds | Background images. |
Foregrounds | Foreground images. |
Mid-FX Layers | Shader effect layer graphics. |
Particles | Effects and particles. |
Cutscenes | In-game cutscenes and animations. |
Transitions | Screen transitions and effects. |
GUI | Interface elements and UI graphics. |
Miscellaneous | Assets that fit in no category above or are unused. |
General | ||||
Player |
Life |
BigLife |
CartConsole |
Cartridge |
cart2 |
cart3 |
Key |
Hopper |
ChainHitch |
ChainLink ChainLink2 |
FloatingMine |
Jar |
OutWarp |
Gate1 |
Gate2 |
Gate3 |
Gate4 |
DeathGhost |
TheHead |
TheBody |
TheHeart |
Stand |
FinalSteve |
GlowShroom |
GlowShroomSmall |
Enemies | ||||
MovingOrbBlob |
OrbBlob |
OrbBlob2 |
OrbSmall |
OrbLarge |
OrbLarge2 |
OrbChomp |
AimSpitter |
AimSpitter2 |
EyeShooter |
SpitterX |
SpitterY |
Bullet |
EyeBullet |
Floater |
ChargeSlug |
Slug |
BigCharger |
BigSlug |
Splatter |
Gasser |
GasCloud |
Cannon |
CannonStand |
Cannonball |
Fireball |
ThwampEye |
ThwampGear |
CheepCheep |
Frog |
SkullCrow |
SkullFloater |
SkullFloaterBreaky |
SkullSlug |
Bouncer |
ChainChomp |
CreepingMass |
CreepEye |
Fish |
Fish2 |
Mask |
Revolver |
gface ElctroBall |
Ghost |
Sentry |
Minis | ||||
MiniDrone |
MiniBird |
Fly MiniFly |
MiniFish |
MiniFishWhite |
MiniFlea |
MiniFrog |
MiniFrogWhite |
MiniGhost |
MiniWisp |
MiniRat |
MiniRatWhite |
MiniWorm |
Decorations | ||||
Decoration0 |
Decoration1 |
Deocration8 Deco10 |
Decoration9 |
Decoration4 |
Decoration5 |
Deocration6 |
Decoration7 |
Deco11 |
inst10 |
inst11 |
eyeball |
EscapeEnd |
Retro | ||||
PlayerRetro |
Cannonretro |
Cannonstandretro |
cannonballretro |
cannonballfireretro |
Gasserretro |
GasCloudretro |
Floaterretro |
Floater2 |
FloaterGlitch |
SkullFloaterretro |
SkullSlugretro |
SkullCrowretro |
cheepretro |
Frogretro |
RetroOrbSmall |
retroOrbLarge |
pacman |
RetroElectroBall |
RetroGhost |
Maskretro |
ChainChompretro |
ChainHitchretro |
ChainLinkretro |
Revolverretro |
Bouncerretro |
CreepingMassRetro |
hopperretro |
ThwampEyeRetro |
ThwampGearRetro |
Slugretro |
RetroChargerSlug |
Splatterretro |
bulletretro |
RetroFish |
SpitterZretro |
SpitterYretro |
SpitterXretro |
Coin |
cartend |
NPCs | ||||
NPC0 |
NPC1 |
NPC2 |
NPC3 |
NPC4 |
NPC5 |
NPC6 |
NPC7 |
NPC8 |
NPC9 |
NPC10 |
NPC11 |
NPC12 |
NPC13 |
NPC14 |
NPC15 |
NPC16 |
NPC17 |
Tilesets | |
Tilecity |
Tilefield |
Tilecaves |
Tiletox |
Tiletox2 |
Tilehell |
Tileairship |
Tilecomplex |
theglow |
TileEnd |
Tileretro |
TileGlitch |
Tilesewers |
Tile |
Overlays | |
Overlayscity |
Overlaysfield |
Overlayscaves |
Overlaystox |
Overlaystox2 |
Overlayshell |
Overlaysairship |
Overlayscomplex |
Overlaystheglow |
Overlaysend |
Overlaysretro |
TileOverlays |
Backgrounds | |
bg2 |
ch2bg |
ch3bg |
ch4abg |
Background |
hellbg |
airshipbg |
field2bg |
bgsolid |
neverbg |
bgretro |
bgretrox |
bgretro2 |
None |
Foregrounds | |
fg1 |
fgretro |
Mid-FX Layers | |
SolidBox |
ShadeBox |
Particles | |
ToxicParticle |
Used in the toxic waterfall particle effect. |
ToxicParticle2 |
An unused variant of the toxic particle. |
TestParticle |
Used for the falling tile dust particle. |
TestParticle2 |
Used in a variety of different particle effects. |
soliddrip |
Used in a variety of liquid-based particle effects. |
spark |
A sparking particle. |
spark2 |
A slight variation on the other sparking particle. |
Rock |
Used in the rocks particle effect. |
Rock2 |
Used in a variety of block breaking particle effects. |
Light |
An orb of light used in a single particle effect. |
Lightning |
A lightning effect used in Nevermore and The Future. |
Leaf |
Falling leaves particle. |
Leaf2 |
A slight variation of the falling leaves particle. |
goo1 |
An unused goo particle. |
goo2 |
A goo particle used when splashing in toxic water. |
Gibs |
Unused player death particles. |
Gibs2 |
One of the particles used in the player's death. |
DistortionParticle |
Greeny-red blobs used in distortion-based particles. |
DistortionParticle2 |
A slight variation of the other distortion-based particle. |
WindCloud |
A variety of different cloud shapes. |
Cloud |
Used in player/enemy bouncing particles and the exploding mines. |
blackpart |
One of the effects used in the player's death. |
Cutscenes | |
towerending |
Completing the Acceptance cartridge. |
allstarending |
Completing the All Stars cartridge. |
towercart |
Collecting all Iron Carts. |
supercart |
Collecting all Regular Carts |
NevermoreCutscene |
Intro after losing 450 tumors. |
NevermoreCutscene_Win |
True ending for the game after beating Nevermore. |
GameIntro |
Intro cutscene before playing the cartridge. |
CartIntro |
Intro cutscene before playing the cartridge, with The End is Nigh cart intro as well. |
IntroCutscene |
Intro cutscene after dying in the intor cartridge. |
IntroCutscene_Egg |
Cutscene played if the intor cartridge is completed. |
GameOverCutscene |
Game over screen in The Future levels. |
GameOverCutscene_Cart |
Game over screen in the cartridge levels. |
EscapeSequenceCutscene |
Intro to the Acceptance escape sequence. |
EscapeSequenceCutscene_Win |
Ending cutscene for beating the Acceptance escape sequence. |
CartIntro2 |
Cartridge cover intro with fade into the level. |
ContinueCutscene |
Continue screen when all lives are lost in a retro cartridge. |
CartWin |
Screen for beating a cartridge. |
AssembleDudeCutscene |
Cutscene played after all friend pieces have been assembled. |
Transitions | |
Wipetranswarp |
Map warping and leaving a secret transition. |
Wipetranssteven |
Entering one of The Future levels via a Steven. |
Wipetransright |
Screen wipe from left-to-right. |
Wipetransleft |
Screen wipe from right-to-left. |
Wipetransdown |
Screen wipe from top-to-bottom. |
Wipetransup |
Screen wipe from bottom-to-top. |
Wipetrans |
Screen wipe from left-to-right. |
fadetrans |
Retro fade to black. |
halfretrofadetrans |
Retro fade to black and normal fade out from black. |
GUI | |
Unlockinfo |
"Cartridge Unlocked" pop-up message. |
Unlockinfo2 |
"Warp Point Unlocked" pop-up message. |
TumorIcon |
Various tumor icons used for the top-left tumor count. |
TitleScreen |
Game intro followed by the title screen animation. |
SpeechBubble |
NPC speech bubble. |
SpeechBubble2 |
NPC speech bubble. |
SkipPrompt |
"Skip Cutscene" prompt. |
SaveFileCard |
One of the save file ghosts with unlock info. |
RetroLivesCounter |
Counter of the current number of lives in a cartridge. |
prog_cart |
Progress counter for cartridges on the select screen. |
PauseMenu |
Pause menu screen. |
MapPing |
Downward arrow that points to important locations on the map. |
MapIcon |
Ash icon that moves around the map. |
map_node |
Singular dotted-line and area icon with text for the map. |
Map |
Entire map menu with all of the map nodes. |
MainMenu_Selector |
Text options on the main menu of the game. |
LoadFile |
Entire save file selection screen. |
LevelTitle |
Area label frames that fade in and out. |
LetterBox |
Letterboxing effect. |
All of the on-screen HUD elements (including Acceptance escape counter). |
DebugConsole |
Debug console screen. |
Miscellaneous | |
BigLink |
Three chain links with a red scribble drawn through them. |
x |
Unused game over message using the normal font. |
Warp |
A static piece of the scret "Leave Area" warp graphic. |
OS_Indicator |
Circle containing Ash's face. |
EscapeTrigger |
Doodle of a character holding a bomb. |
Carts |
Placeholder cartridge art. |
CamOverlay |
Random text in the top-left corner of the screen. |
PlayerTrail |
Player's trail in the air. |
PlayerTrailGround |
Player's trail on the ground. |
PlayerTrailGround2 |
Slightly different variation of the player's trail on the ground. |
PlayerTrailDucking |
Player's trail whilst ducking. |
ButtonBlock_Out |
Tile shrinking animation used when a switch despawns a tile. |
ButtonBlock_In |
Tile expanding animation used when a switch spawns a tile. |