Location in the unpacked data: data\npcs.txt
The NPCs file dictates information regarding all the available NPCs in the game; it defines the traits of each NPC: sound, graphics, text, and all of the aspects that make the different NPCs unique and interesting.
Here is an example of the syntax of one NPC taken from the file (NPC0):
NPC0 {
#basic sideways
movieclip NPC0
sound_id NPCSkull
text [
"oh \n . . . \n its you. . ."
"must be nice \n being alive \nn’ all that"
"when i died \n that tumor wiggled out"
"it’s been floating \n up there for years \n watching me"
"please\n dont take it. . . \n its all i have left"
Whilst this may seem complex, the syntax for an NPC can be broken down and represented as the following:
[NPC_ID] {
moviclip [VALUE]
sound_id [VALUE]
text [
The # followed by text, in the example, is simply a comment and not interpreted/read by the game itself, hence why it was not added in the simplified syntax breakdown. These comments have been added to all the NPCs in the "npcs.txt" file to allow for more readability.
So, overall, the "npcs.txt" file simply stores a series of NPCS and their properties, that can be placed into the game for the player to interact with. Read on for more information on each of these variables, as well as how to add/modify NPCs.